We provide a wide range of property care services. Our most popular services can be found below and you can access all services from the main menu.

damp surveys and reports

Surveys & Reports

Professional surveys and practical reports carried out throughout Preston, Leyland, Chorley, Kirkham and the local area.

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damp proofing membrane installation

Damp Proofing

Dampness in buildings can lead to structural deterioration, timber decay, spoiling of decorations and dilapidation of plaster.

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condensation and mould


With the colder, wetter winter months well and truly here, we hope to answer some common questions asked regarding dampness in homes and buildings.

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Professional surveys and practical reports carried out throughout Preston, Leyland, Chorley, Kirkham and the local area.

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roof and chimney repairs

Roof & Chimney

Dampness in buildings can lead to structural deterioration, timber decay, spoiling of decorations and dilapidation of plaster.

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Building Repairs

Statistically, building defects account for the majority of damp, water ingress and condensation issues in property.

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We specialise in the diagnosis and repair of all building defects involving dampness and water ingress in domestic and commercial buildings.

We carry out building defect surveys and produce professional technical reports based on the findings. We have no bias towards any particular building defects or solution as we carry out whatever works are necessary to correct the root cause. Damp control is but one of our services, along with many others such as roofing, chimneys and structural repairs.


We carry out building defect surveys on a regular basis for a wide variety of private and professional clients which could relate to any one of a variety of building defects such as:

  • Dampness, condensation and ventilation
  • Timber decay and infestation
  • Roofing, chimneys and gutters
  • Structural movement in walls and roofs
  • Cavity wall ties and lintels
  • Thermal insulation

We use an array of technical equipment such as endoscope, thermal imaging, electronic moisture detection, detailed photography and metal wall tie detection. The data captured by these instruments can be downloaded to computer for analysis and incorporated into reports, which provides transparency and practical information upon which sound decisions can be made.

Damp, water ingress, leaks and structural defects can be difficult to diagnose correctly and put right first time. If the root cause of a particular defect is diagnosed and not just effect, the long term cost savings particularly in terms of secondary damage such as spoiled decorations are very significant.

A large proportion of our work is in following others who have not diagnosed the root cause of a particular problem and carried out work to a poor standard using inadequate materials and inappropriate methods. Where appropriate we carry out our work in accordance with British standards choose only the very best materials and have a close relationship with local authority building control, surveyors and structural engineers.

We use the latest technology to assist us in our quest for accurate diagnosis of building defects:

  • Electronic moisture detection
  • Thermal imaging
  • Endoscope camera and video
  • Metal detection

Laboratory Analysis

During the course of an investigation it may be necessary to seize, package and record samples and exhibits for laboratory analysis. For example in order to prove a particular damp issue relates to rising damp as opposed to lateral penetrating damp, it may be necessary to establish the presence of ground salts such as chlorides and nitrates in plaster and brickwork samples. We have the facilities to carry out the appropriate tests and incorporate the results into a technical report in order to provide an accurate diagnosis and appropriate repair schedule.